Appearance of the Prague Child Jesus
at the prayer meeting in Sievernich on 07 January
On 07.01.2019, the Child Jesus appeared in the Sievernich parish church from 6.50 p.m. to 7 p.m. during holy mass on the priest's goblet after the "Holy, Holy, Holy ...". Jesus showed himself as a baby, about the age of over a month, in a white dress, raised up to the neck. He was well nourished and wore few light hair. His head was surrounded by a bright wreath of light. He moved and was even able to hold His hand as a blessing, which astonished me greatly.
He even said, "Carry me to the people!"
I said, "Like Lord, shall I do this, I can't do anything."
He said, "I send you people to help you carry Me into the hearts of men."
During the adoration, the Child Jesus could then be seen in Prague in the Holy Host. He was wearing a large crown and a red robe. His insignia were great. Above the earth he held in His hands, the cross was exceptionally large.
Besides me, nine people testified that they had seen the Child Jesus.
This message is announced without prejudging the judgment of the Catholic Church.
Ce message sera annoncé sans préjudice du jugement de l'Église catholique romaine.
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